Our Process
We take everything one step at a time.
We believe in educating before implementing
We take all of this very personally. Like any relationship, we want to get to know you first... our first meeting is always introductory. You get to know us, and vice versa. We aren't desperate for just any client, we are looking for people who are a good fit for what we do.
If there is a good fit, we send you home with some homework. We have partnered with Planswell, an online financial plan software company, to help gather the basic financial information we will need in developing a more personalized financial plan.
Once you have completed your homework, we are sent a detailed summary of your initial plan, we review everything, compile recommendations and book a follow-up planning meeting. This is the meeting where the plan really comes together.
Now we actually get started! based on the strategies proposed in the plan, we open the appropriate accounts, set up payment plans, transfer existing investments, review insurance* and debt solutions, as well as anything else that needs to be started in order to reach your plan's goals.
That's it right?.. not quite, our plans are living documents. We continuously review and adjust as things change. we all know the saying about the best-laid plans...